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Showing posts from May, 2020

Docker basic commands (podman)

  Docker basic commands. Also use full for podman.   docker search <image-name> - search for image in docker-hub   docker run <options> <image-name> - by default docker will run command foreground. For running background use -d option, - it interact with the container instead of just seeing the output, -- name option for giving friendly name when lunching container docker logs <friendly-name|container-id> - container standard err or standard out messages   docker inspect <friendly-name|container-id> - more detailed information about running container docker ps - list all running docker containers   docker run -p <host-port>:<container-port> - define ports you want to bind, when running conatiner d ocker port <friendly-name|container-id> - list port mappings or a specific port mapping for container   -v <host-dir>:<container-dir> - mounts container-dir to host-d...

3rd Month

    It's very hard for me to begin write something. I think that's in my nature. In this post i will write what happened last three month in new job. Well from my previous post i wrote my expectations for first week. Lets continue. Past three months everything dramatically changed. Year 2020 show us another face of life.  Everyone knows new terminology COVID-19. That's root of changes. Quarantine, quarantine... While writing this post it still continues over the world. In that reason about 50 days we have HO. So, what changed in my life. Actually nothing ))). For person who adopted live in his own world. But during quarantine i study a lot for my carrier purpose. Another great think thanks to quarantine i learned how to properly cook. Even making soup from "axe".    Lets move to the work. What to say i don't know. For past three month about workplace, system, management it's not bad. But one thing is worrying me that i don't have any tasks, work to do...