Docker basic commands. Also use full for podman. docker search <image-name> - search for image in docker-hub docker run <options> <image-name> - by default docker will run command foreground. For running background use -d option, - it interact with the container instead of just seeing the output, -- name option for giving friendly name when lunching container docker logs <friendly-name|container-id> - container standard err or standard out messages docker inspect <friendly-name|container-id> - more detailed information about running container docker ps - list all running docker containers docker run -p <host-port>:<container-port> - define ports you want to bind, when running conatiner d ocker port <friendly-name|container-id> - list port mappings or a specific port mapping for container -v <host-dir>:<container-dir> - mounts container-dir to host-d...
My name is Ibrahim. This is my personal site. Here i put information which i faced during work. I hope this will help full for others.