Hi every one. I created this post last week before my RHCSA exam. Firstly i want write how i become RHCSA. I got some certificates including sport related certificates. My first certificate was CCNA for geting this it took for me about 3 years. Last year of my bachelour degree i began interesting in networking. Of course why , because i fill in lov ewith command promt. From networking it took me to the world of open source . First distro i installed on my pc was Ubuntu . I still you Ubuntu. Beacuse it has most friendly interface. From that time firstly i interested in LPIC certificates which one i got last year. While passing my CompTIA Linux+. Be honestly i made mistake getting this certificate. Itself its not bad cert . While preparing this certificate you learn a lot. Also i read Sanders RHEL cert guide. Which helped me a lot passing my RHCSA. Let's talk about exam day. Whole night i was unable sleep. In my dreams i only see "lvreduce" comm...
My name is Ibrahim. This is my personal site. Here i put information which i faced during work. I hope this will help full for others.